Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Searching for intentions....

Kind of strange that so many cancellations are happening in the school......whatever....but I do take advantage of the empty awesome studio while everyone leaves to practice and play with my piece.....at least I get to use the space for free.....

Solo work:
-smooth, connected transitions....fill the gap between moves more organically
-focus on every move at a time so you can experiment physically the entire move ( record the feeling). Think every move with its own beginning- end to take to its fullest expression
-play more with rhythms, speeds and intentions....
-think of every move as a neuron that has its own purpose but that also serves a collective one
-intention, inspiration.....: the body as the human body brain, changes all the time, continuously creating and destroying, random, logical- illogical....and your limbs as the brain receptors that reach out for external sources, interconnecting........

Monday, May 16, 2011

Today in class....without teacher...

After an intense weekend I was very looking forward for my dance class this morning at Movement Research...well..the class was cancelled so a couple of us stayed and started teaching each other's projects and solos....I so loved teaching others my solo moves and seeing their personal interpretation of my explanations....realizing that we all process information differently, learn differently and add up our imprints to what we dance....also experimenting how a simple visualization, image, intention  can change and add up to the quality of the move....we as humans are so broad and capable.....I love being human and all that comes with it...mistakes, glory, excitement, pain.... cause they carry the best gifts to your true self......lessons....I love learning.....

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Do Do Do

 I am revising my solo....

-work on details: speed, space, intention, tempo
-work on fluidity and transition between steps
-feel more embodied in the movement
-keep image, intention in mind while moving

-search for new sources of inspiration
-dance improvisation
-physical feelings, sensations
-textures, personalities body movement traits, animal features, human feeling, thoughts felt in the body
-recall body feeling, memories
-series, sequence of images, experiences that transform in body experimentation
-music, sound improvisation

( record any move, sequence that you can work on.....memorize them)

Hi Human Beings....

I am starting this great project of dating and posting my dance creations, discoveries, frustrations, experiments, surprises,...and so on.....